<%-- admin_dump_db.html : Show the template for dumping a database. --%> <%script%> - Dump Database <%include style.css%> <%include top_menu.html%> <%include top_table_menu.html%> <%include footer.html%>
<%script%> Dump Database:

Please select the appropriate options below before dumping the <%db%> database.

Dump Path:
Dump Tables:
Select Tables: <%loop tab_loop%> <%table%>
CREATE Statement: Should the dump file include CREATE TABLE commands?
DROP Statement: Should the dump file include DROP TABLE IF EXISTS commands?
INSERT Statement: Should the dump file include INSERT commands?
Complete Inserts: Use complete inserts (include column names).
Delayed Inserts: Use delayed inserts.
Multiple-Row Inserts: Use multiple-row inserts.